Thursday, August 19, 2010

You've Got A Friend In Me

I absolutely loved the Pixar exhibit at the Oakland Museum

It was incredibly well done and really thorough, it covered the entire 25 year history of Pixar. For me, it was like tiptoeing back through Dagny and Dane's childhood. Toy Story came out the year Dagny was born (as evidenced by the fact that we own it on VHS) so those characters have always been part of their lives. Toy Story 2 was the go-to movie in the afternoon when I needed a break from Dane running around yelling "Woody, Buzz! Woody, Buzz!" I remember the first time they saw Finding Nemo and how forever after every clown fish was a Nemo. They practiced their screams just in case a monster came out of their closet, and for an entire year Dagny pretended to be Cowgirl Jessie. (that part in Toy Story 2 where Jessie is under the bed? You have to be dead inside to not shed a tear during that scene) The Bug's Life bugs, the Monsters Inc. monsters, The Incredibles, all a part of their childhood. What lucky kids.

There was no picture taking allowed in the exhibit, so go here for a slideshow and a really good description of the whole thing.

Woody & Jessie from long ag0


  1. My husband's favorite part of every Pixar movie is the little blurb that starts them all with that little lamp. Silly boy.

    that does look like a fun museum to visit!

  2. Oh my goodness! How fun. I really want to go see it now!!!

  3. All those movies are watched weekly in our house. Dallin LOVES them!

  4. There are so many fun and exciting things to do in your area. Each time you post something we put it on our list of places to visit next time we are in town. I love the last picture of Dagny and Dane. Such wonderful memories!

  5. That is the cutest picture ever!!! So adorable. My gosh. There simply are no words for how cute!
