Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Precious

This is how I feel about my new Kindle

It arrived about a week ago, and it's my new love and constant companion. You may remember when I told you about my feelings for my iPhone, my feelings for the Kindle are almost as strong. It's everything I expected it to be; portable, convenient, totally cool etc... but it's also more than I expected. I've already read several books on it and I have no complaints. There is no way to hold it and not be amazed by it. The screen looks like a traditional book, the pages turn in the blink of an eye, and it's not uncomfortable to hold, you can snuggle up with it just like you would with any book. Quite simply, I love it. I'm glad Steve made my buy it.


  1. Creepy picture! But I am glad to know you are enjoying it so much. :) It does sound very awesome!!!

  2. What will they up with next? I love modern technology.

  3. Who says money can't buy you love? People who don't know where to shop, that's who ...

  4. Let's hope the nasty hobbites (read: the kids) don't steal your preciousssss
